What is motivation?

Motivation is a process and it starts with a unfulfilled need or desire of an individual. This initiator factor produces a tension (physical or psychological) inside the person, and he will adjust his actions in order to satisfy his need and to reduce the tension created. When the objective is accomplished, the need is satisfied, then the motivational process is closed.

Where is it coming from?

Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Since ancient times, philosophers and scientists have wondered whether human motivation can be reduced to a few general dimensions that can be controlled. Researchers have concluded that there are two global dimensions: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is engaging in an activity for its own sake. You enjoy the activity because it’s fun or challenging, not because you’ll get a reward or avoid punishment.

Extrinsic motivation refers to doing something not because you enjoy it, but because you want to earn a reward or avoid punishment. It is the opposite of intrinsic motivation.

The differences between employees and volunteers

The volunteers and employees are the strategic human resources for profit and nonprofit organizations. All the organizations depend on the service and commitment of volunteers as well as the labor of employees.

Volunteers and employees put all their skills, competences, knowledge and experience into the achievement of the organisation’s goals and mission. At first glance, the main difference between these types of workers is the payment check.

Yet many nonprofit leaders have discovered that there is more to distinguishing between employees and volunteers than whether an individual receives a regular paycheck.


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