Bună, Sunt Adelina.
Sunt economist, management consultant și project manger. Când nu lucrez, mă implic în diferite activități de voluntariat.
01. Check out my articles
Sunt pasionată de consultanța în management, managementul ca știință, managementul de proiect, politici publice și buna guvernare. Îmi place să scriu despre idei și să ofer informații pe care le consider importante. Te invit să descoperi blog-ul meu
02. Check out my Read, Learn, Watch articles
Poate îți dorești să găsești surse de inspirație, motivație și ai curiozitatea de a citi și învăța lucruri noi. Check out my latest articles.
03. Want to get in touch?
Sunt mereu deschisă noilor provocări. Dacă îți dorești să discutăm despre vreo idee de proiect sau îți dorești să colaborăm, te invit să ne cunoaștem!
I’m Passionate
I am passionate about consulting and project management and I’m just as passionate about helping clients! I truly care about my clients success. It makes me happy to make others happy, and I know that I want put all my passion and skills into my career as management consultant.
Expertly Trained
I studied Management for 3 years, and I continued my studies with a 2 years Master in Management consulting and business development. Right now I’m studying for PSM Certification. Everything I learned goes into every project I start.
I’m confident
I know that a great consultant can get tough feedback, experience set-backs and make difficult decisions. It is not an easy job, and l’m always trying to motivate my team to keep chugging along and provide them with solutions to the problems ahead. I can push through these barriers with confidence!
I’m a ‘people person’
I have been working with different teams and multiple clients, I’m able to remove the barrier between myself and my clients to build trust and confidence. I feel comfortable working in different environments and with different people on a daily basis.
I’m resourceful
I like to work with different people, and I know when to ask for advice, and where to find the right information. I’m not scared to ask for help and I consider that building a strong team synergy is essential for our success.
I’m willing to go the extra mile, and then some
Solving problems, influencing my clients and creating innovative ideas are what I love the most about management consulting. I enjoy getting lots done for my clients and I’m thankful to be part of their success.
Drop me a line!
I’m accepting new collaboration proposals through the rest of the year. Please drop me a line and we’ll get started with your next project!